Category: Babypage News

A note from Yasine, BabyPage co-founder, on the new release


It’s Yasine, co-founder of BabyPage and mommy of three! I’m really excited about releasing our newest version of BabyPage—especially because we have added the capability to have multiple children on one account!

My first two babies are twins, so very early on at BabyPage we knew that we needed to add the ability to have multiple kids in one account. We also kept hearing from moms of multiples that they’d like the ability to create individual books for their kids but also loved the idea of creating combined books over time. Since we are a growing tech startup, we decided to make this feature one of the top priorities in the new version!

Chasing toddler twins and caring for my newborn is a ton of physically and mentally exhausting work—so it’s a sigh of relief to only have to remember ONE username and password set, instead of three separate accounts. Out of all the improvements and features we’ve added, this one is by far the biggest deal to me!

Twins often have to share everything (or get the exact same thing, just in different colors), but now they can each have their separate book with their separate milestones and stories.  Yes, their stories are intertwined, but they are very individual little people—they grow at different paces, have a different favorite color, want to grow up to be in different careers, have a different favorite book, food, song… So they’ll each get their own book that tells their unique story. This is so important to me, and I hope they enjoy pouring over these as they get older.

On top of compiling my twins’ milestones and memories, I recently gave birth to a sweet little girl! One thing I worry about is that this baby won’t have as many photos, milestones and memories recorded as my first babies did—this is such a common problem. Life has become triple-y hectic, but now that we have a system that allows for multiple children under one account, my record-keeping has not suffered. This launch could not have come at a better time for me!

Since BabyPage lets you manage multiple kids in one account, I can manage all three quite easily by making notes on-the-go. It’s great to be able to come back later and fill in the rest when I find a moment of peace. I know from experience, there are so many little precious moments that you think you will NEVER forget, but if it’s not written down, it will eventually fade. In fact, it can fade in just a week’s time. It’s great that I can quickly upload and jot down my notes into BabyPage, and then finish the finer details of that page of my book later. They grow up so quickly and time is fleeting…having this is a huge time-saver, and will result in keepsakes we all cherish.

I am so grateful for every one of you who has taken the time to give us thoughtful feedback on our initial site, and agreed with many of your suggestions for improvement. It’s been quite the learning process working with our team to take your ideas and incorporate them into our updated site, but so worth it! We appreciate your continued support and would love to hear your thoughts on the new version! We are always improving it and take every single suggestion under careful consideration—so please, give it a try and let us know what you think!


Yasine Armstrong

Co-founder of BabyPage

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