Category: Babypage News

Newest addition to the BabyPage Family!

I am thrilled to announce the newest addition to the BabyPage family, baby Kira! Our little one was born this fall and we couldn’t be happier to now be a family of five. Welcoming a new baby is an incredible thing but comes with all sorts of challenges, especially if you have older children. Our twins have shown both excitement for their new baby sister and trepidation about their changing place in the family. We’ve had wonderful moments where the baby smiles at them and they squeal with delight and we’ve also had challenging moments where the twins act out because they want attention. Through all of these ups and downs, we are loving this time with our new baby and adjusting to this crazy and beautiful life with a newborn and toddler twins!

Along with the challenges of navigating the world as a family of five, it’s also been difficult to step away from BabyPage during this time. We are all about babies, mommas and families at BabyPage and our mission is to make it a little bit easier to document the stages of babyhood and childhood for busy parents. As part of our company culture we also try to support each other and the needs of our families. As a result, my co-founder Katie and I made a very conscious decision to allow me to take fully paid maternity leave, which is practically unheard of for young companies like BabyPage. We are still a lean and scrappy team and having one of our team members out for any extended time poses some challenges, but we know how important this time is for both the baby and momma. I’m incredibly grateful that we are fostering a company culture that supports this important time for healing and bonding with the new baby. Pregnancy and giving birth is an incredible journey but often times moms are expected to “bounce right back” as if they never had a baby. We know that is not healthy and we want to support women through pregnancy and beyond so we decided to do it differently here at BabyPage. We brought in other great mommas to work with us while I am out on maternity leave and they’ve done an incredible job moving forward some of the projects that I was working on.

I know that I am incredibly lucky to have such an amazing co-founder and team at BabyPage. I’m grateful for the love and support Kira and I have received from the BabyPage team and our wonderful community. We are building an incredible product and an incredible company and I couldn’t be prouder!

–Yasine Armstrong, co-founder of BabyPage

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