Category: Babypage News

Enjoying Easter with Your Kids

Enjoying the magic of Easter with your kiddos!

Enjoying the magic of Easter with your kiddos!

As a kid, the Easter holiday had the familiar exciting feeling of Christmas. I’d go to bed the night before anxiously eager for the sun to rise, to find out what goodies had been left for by some magical being–this time, it was the Easter Bunny.

The next morning, I squealed with joy as I plucked each item out of the fake grass brimming over in my Easter Basket. Of course, there was ample candy: Robin’s Eggs, Peeps, chocolate eggs, chocolate bunnies, Pez candies with a bunny-eared dispenser, jelly beans (licorice was my favorite flavor). There were often books and art supplies, as well as small toys. I particularly remember a plastic maze with a tiny silver ball that had to be rocked to the finish line.

But my favorite thing of all was that this was when I would receive my new swimsuit for the summer. The Easter Bunny had great taste in swimsuits and I was always ecstatic to see the year’s newest style. My sisters also would get their swimsuits in their basket, and often the Easter Bunny coordinated our swimsuits to be slightly different but still matching (the Easter Bunny was smart and did not want to cause jealousy, you see). We loved it! We lived on the Gulf Coast, so it wouldn’t be long after Easter that we’d be putting them into use.

Afterward, we would dress in our Easter dresses, which my mother had carefully chosen in advance. I had been eagerly eyeing the lovely dress for weeks and have always loved an excuse to dress up, even as a child. I remember lace socks, Mary Janes, and little bows for our hair.

We’d arrive at my grandmother’s house, along with all of my cousins, and have an Easter Egg Hunt. All of the families had dyed hard-boiled eggs the day before and the adults would hide them, while someone would guard the kids to make sure there was no peeking. I loved the whole process—from creatively dying the eggs (I was a master at using the white crayon and binder-sticker rings for hidden designs) to hunt down as many eggs as possible in my grandmother’s garden. The competitive side of me longed to find the Golden Egg. Often, an older kid would find it and there was a cash prize! It was probably only $5 to $20, but that’s a small fortune for a kid.

Following the hunt was a huge late lunch, complete with deviled eggs and an Easter-themed cake. The kids would trade jelly beans (me leaving with everyone’s licorice), and wear ourselves out on a sugar high.

For me, it’s the tradition that is most wonderful about holidays such as these–something as simple as including a swimsuit in my basket each year.

Check out the BabyPage Pinterest Board to help you get ready for this year’s Easter. There are tons of great ideas for starting your own family traditions! Perhaps you make a signature cake; perhaps it’s reading a short book together to remember the religious origins of Easter, or perhaps your child must follow the magical footprints left from the Easter Bunny to find their basket… Regardless, I hope you and your family have a wonderful Easter holiday with your loved ones!

p.s. Don’t forget to upload your favorite photos from the fun day to your BabyPage!

p.p.s. Follow our Easter With Kids Pinterest Boards for many, many more ideas and tips.


This is a guest post from Meagan Nordmann, a digital marketing specialist based in Albuquerque, NM. This aspiring mommy volunteers her time with ABQReads, where she tutors kindergartners in Spanish-speaking communities to read and write in English. Meagan was formerly a writer and editor at three publications in Nashville and continues to write about her adventures on her travel blog, You can follow her adventures on Instagram and Twitter at @MegNordmann.

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