Simple Ways to Add Love to Meals on Valentine’s Day

heart-shaped pancake breakfast

Valentine’s Day should not be stressful–it should be a day focused on celebrating love!

Look, if you have oodles of extra time, there are tons of Martha-Stewart-Level-Perfection-DIYs of cakes and crafts that look like they may take two weeks to finish. But for most of us, it’s just not reality. Indeed, Valentine’s Day is already less than a week away!

Food is the gateway to anyone’s heart, so pick just one or two of these small things to add to your child’s Valentine’s Day–and they will remember the gift of surprise and appreciate the extra effort. It may just be heart-shaped toast for breakfast, but it will start their whole day off in a festive lovey-dovey way!


Use a cookie cutter or knife, drop an egg in & presto! (Pin It)

You’re a mom. It’s Valentine’s Day. You’re allowed to get cheesy. (Pin It)

Twinkie Hearts… not healthy, but hey! It’s Valentine’s Day! (Pin It)

This requires a little bit of skill, but if you are brave enough to try to make pancake letters, this is too cute! (Pin It)

Take the cookie cutter to bread slices and make heart-shaped French Toast! (Pin It)

Pictured are some decadent Martha Stewart gingerbread waffles, complete with an intense recipe. OR, you could just cut your frozen waffles into a heart shape, and put a dollop of berry preserves on top & your kids will never know the difference. (Pin It)

Want to make those waffles or pancakes appear super fancy? Slice downward on a few strawberries and give your kiddo some roses! (Pin It)


Here’s an adorable free printable for your child’s snack…or you could just simply scrawl this on a Post-It note with little hearts and deliver the same adorable message! (This would also be a cute “gift” for your child’s classmates…) (Pin It)

Cut a weenie in half, stick a toothpick through it, and slice some little pieces of cheese to make an arrow…adorable! Maybe you just make three of these and then put the rest to the side. Remember: You don’t have to make this hard! (Pin It)

That heart-shaped cookie cutter is your best friend. So is pizza. (Pin It)

Basically, if you don’t own a heart-shaped cookie cutter, you need to head to the dollar store stat! Use that cutter on tortillas to make lovey-dovey cheesy quesadillas! (Pin It)

Cookie cutter to the rescue again! Use the big cutter for their sandwich and the small cutter for their cheese-and-crackers. (pssst: You get to eat the left-overs.) Oh! And strawberry milk… #winning! (Pin It)

This is a little bit more work, but again, that cookie cutter can work some kitchen magic. (Pin It)


Bake two cakes from the box–one square, one circle. Cut the circular one in half, and you have a heart-shaped cake! It’s super-simple, but looks fancy-schmancy. (Pin It)

You don’t even need a heart-shaped cookie cutter to make these sugar cookies! Just mold it with your fingers first, then press down with a fork. (Pin It)

A box of Teddy Grahams, a box of Sweethearts, and a tube of store-bought frosting are everything you need to make this adorable miniature dessert. (Pin It)

Want more ideas? We have our favorites on Pinterest–ranging in difficulty, but we really tried to stick to the more realistic ideas. There’s also a ton of easy crafts/gifts you can whip up for your child’s classmates, too.

Browse our Valentine’s Ideas Board here.

Need photo inspiration for your kids? Check out our blog on that here.

Don’t forget to take lots of photos of you wee ones enjoying your simple, but loving, creations this Valentine’s Day and load them into your BabyPage baby book! Your child’s baby book will be a topic of conversation around the coffee table for years to come! It would make for a great Valentine’s gift next year, too. Get started on yours today!

*Featured Image at top of blog is from You can Pin It here.


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