Category: Interviews, Moms

Mommy Pages – Virginia Loman

Virginia Loman

Virginia is an attorney and lives in Albuquerque, NM with her husband and three children. She is also actively involved in her community and serves on the board of ABQInvolved. She has great advice on everything from a portable high chair to being kind to yourself in the early days of parenthood. Thanks, Virginia!

After having kids, what product can you not live without?
Honda Odyssey Minivan

What was the best kid friendly vacation or day trip you’ve been on recently?

What tools do you use to track your child’s milestones? (ex. baby book, notebook, spreadsheet, etc.)
Bad mom — I never do and that’s why I need BabyPage!

What are your kids’ favorite books right now?
Harry Potter

What is the grossest thing you’ve ever had to clean up?
My kids’ vomit. Not unique but definitely gross.

What’s a really useful product that you don’t see on a lot of registries?
Cloth travel high-chair-in-a-bag from (not their official name for the product, I’m sure) but you can stick it in your diaper bag and always have a high chair to put over the bag of almost any regular chair.

Do you love your stroller and/or baby carrier, and would you recommend it?
I still love my BOB running stroller — good as new after 3 kids. We also loved the Bjorn baby carrier. Recommend both.

What is your kids’ favorite toy right now?

What is something about having kids that you didn’t expect you would love?
Sharing kids’ poop stories with friends.

What advice would you give to first time moms?
The first year is physically and emotionally hard. Expect it. Muddle through it. Suffer no guilt from not always feeling the “joy” of early motherhood. However, the exhaustion is worth it from the first baby cry you hear; you will find patience and endurance you never knew you had; and it gets physically easier and more fun, every week, month, and year. (***I haven’t hit the adolescent years yet when I expect it’ll get harder again).

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