Category: Events

BabyPage Valentine’s Day Event For The Child Life Program at Presbyterian Hospital

Valentines Day Fundraiser

BabyPage is very excited to announce that we are helping some very special hearts as part of our Valentine’s Day event.

BabyPage is donating $5 to The Child Life program at Presbyterian Hospital from now until Valentine’s for:

  • every BabyPage account created AND
  • every BabyPage order placed

BabyPage is all about helping parents and all about happy babies and kids. We strive to help busy parents easily document their children’s milestones and build a beautiful book along the way. Our company, at its core, celebrates childhood and parenthood. We, however, also understand that there are parents and children experiencing incredibly difficult times. We can’t imagine anything harder than watching your child endure pain and suffering due to illness, disease, or injury. We feel that for the parents going through this, building a baby book is the last thing on their mind, and for Valentine’s Day this year, we wanted to do something for some of these parents and their children.

With that in mind, consider signing up for your BabyPage account this week or placing an order if you already have an account. The Child Life program at Presbyterian Hospital provides activities and socialization for children and families, and coordinates in-hospital schooling as needed. The dedicated Child Life team staffs the in-hospital playroom and Rachel’s Courtyard – a colorful, whimsical “playground in the sky” that extends from the hospital’s sixth floor pediatric unit. Child Life specialists work with children to reduce stress and anxiety through medical play therapy and much more. Child Life staff also helps explain hospital procedures, medicines, IVs, and operations to patients and family members in an age-appropriate manner, interact with brothers and sisters who may need more information and support, and help coordinate school work if a child is hospitalized for more than two weeks. You can read more about The Child Life program at The Children’s Center at Presbyterian here.

As a new company, we want to establish a precedent that supporting our community, and especially the children in need in our community and around the county, is incredibly important to the BabyPage team. This is a start, and we plan to expand our contributions to worthwhile organizations doing important work in our community as the company grows.

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