Category: Holidays, Moms, Parenting

Safe Holiday Travel Tips for New Moms

mom and baby traveling in a plane

Safe Holiday Travel Tips for New Moms: Ensuring Baby Safety, Health, and Family Boundaries

Whether you’re planning a trip to visit family or just going on a small getaway, traveling with a baby comes with its unique set of challenges. As a new mom, your primary focus is ensuring your baby’s safety and well-being while maintaining some semblance of routine, especially with a newborn baby who thrives on consistency…all while maintaining your own sanity!

In this blog, we’ll dive into essential holiday travel tips for new moms, with a focus on keeping your baby safe, maintaining a healthy newborn environment, managing nap schedules, and navigating the complexities of family boundaries. By preparing ahead, you can enjoy a stress-free holiday season while keeping your baby happy and healthy.

baby traveling safely in carseat

1. Prioritize Baby Safety During Travel

Whether you’re driving or flying, your baby’s safety should always be your number one priority. Traveling with a newborn baby means extra preparation, and there are a few crucial tips you should follow to ensure a safe journey.

Car Safety

When traveling by car, always use an appropriate car seat. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that babies travel in a rear-facing car seat for as long as possible, usually until they reach the maximum height or weight limit of the seat. Make sure the car seat is installed correctly—many accidents happen because car seats aren’t properly secured.

If you’re renting a car at your destination, you might consider bringing your own car seat or checking reviews of rental services to ensure they meet safety standards. Some rental agencies offer high-quality car seats, but it’s always better to double-check. Some airlines allow you to check your carseat for free, so definitely check and plan ahead.

Flying with a Newborn Baby

Flying can be tricky with a baby, especially a newborn. The air pressure changes during takeoff and landing can be uncomfortable for little ones. To help ease the discomfort, consider nursing or giving your baby a bottle or pacifier during these times. The sucking motion helps alleviate pressure in their ears, so timing is crucial.

Also, ensure that your baby is securely strapped into their car seat if you plan to bring it on the plane, as some airlines allow you to do so. If not, you may consider requesting a bassinet, available on certain long-haul flights and some airlines.

Baby Safety Gear

Make sure you have all necessary baby safety gear with you while traveling, including a portable crib or travel bassinet, baby monitor, and any items that help keep your baby comfortable. These items are especially important when you’ll be staying in unfamiliar places, like a hotel or a relative’s house. If luging all of these items isn’t possible, check out baby gear rental services that deliver and pickup safe options for sleeping, strolling, etc.

baby napping in moms arms

2. Stay on Track with Baby’s Nap Schedule

As any new mom will tell you, maintaining a baby’s nap schedule can be a challenge, but it is critical for your newborn’s well-being. Babies—especially newborns—thrive on routine, and disruption to their sleep schedule can lead to fussiness and irritability.

When traveling, try to stay as close to your baby’s usual nap schedule as possible. While it’s tempting to let your baby nap on the go, consider planning your day around their naps. If you know that your baby naps at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., try to be in a quiet place at those times. Whether you’re at a family gathering or a hotel room, find a comfortable and familiar space for your baby to sleep. A white noise machine can also help block out the noise from a busy household.

If your baby’s nap schedule gets interrupted, try to make it up later in the day with an extra nap. It’s important to keep your baby well-rested to avoid over-tiredness, which can make them more fussy and difficult to soothe.

woman washing hands to stay healthy

3. Keep Your Baby Healthy 

The holidays can bring more than just fun and family time; they also bring the risk of illness, especially in crowded places. Newborn babies, with their developing immune systems, are particularly susceptible to germs. As a new mom, it’s essential to take precautions to keep your baby healthy.

Practice Hand Hygiene

Encourage family members and guests to wash their hands before touching your baby. Carry hand sanitizer for yourself, as well as disinfecting wipes to clean surfaces where your baby may come into contact with germs, such as airline tray tables, high chairs, tables, strollers, or car seats. 

Limit Exposure to Sick People

During the holidays, you may find yourself surrounded by family members who might be carrying germs or even have mild colds. While it’s tough to turn down holiday gatherings, don’t be afraid to politely request that people who are sick stay at a distance from your baby.

This may be a hard conversation, but it’s essential to put your baby’s health first. If you’re traveling to see family members, consider wearing your baby in a carrier to limit the number of people who have physical contact with them.

Keep Baby’s Environment Clean

If you’re staying with family or friends, ensure that the environment is clean and safe for your newborn. Bring your own cleaning supplies, including disinfectant wipes, and don’t hesitate to clean shared spaces like the kitchen or bathroom. Even if your hosts are well-meaning, it’s a good idea to maintain control over your baby’s immediate environment, especially when they’re so young.

family together for the holidays with kids and babies

4. Navigate Family Boundaries During the Holidays

Holidays often bring extended family together, and while this is a wonderful time to connect, it can also create challenges for new moms who are still learning to navigate their boundaries. It’s essential to communicate your boundaries with family members to ensure that your newborn baby stays safe, well rested, and is treated with care and respect while also ensuring your own mental and emotional well-being.

Setting Limits

It’s perfectly acceptable to set boundaries with family members regarding how much time they spend with your baby, who holds them, and when they can visit. As a new mom, your baby’s safety and comfort come first, so don’t feel guilty about asserting your needs.

For example, you might feel more comfortable limiting how long your baby is passed around or holding off on group photos until you’re sure your baby is comfortable. These boundaries are necessary for your peace of mind and your baby’s safety. If your baby’s nap schedule needs to be followed strictly, let family members know in advance so they understand why you may need to take time out of gatherings.

Know When to Say No

It’s easy to get overwhelmed during the holidays, especially with a newborn baby. If you’re feeling drained or overwhelmed, it’s okay to take a break. If your baby needs rest or some quiet time away from the hustle and bustle, prioritize that and let others know that you’re taking a moment to recharge.

It’s also important to remember that just because everyone else is enjoying social events or holiday activities doesn’t mean you have to. As a new mom, you may need a bit more time to yourself to recover and keep up with your baby’s needs. Say no when you need to, and don’t feel guilty about it.

Respecting Your Baby’s Cues

Family members may be eager to interact with your baby, but it’s important to respect your baby’s cues. If your baby seems overwhelmed, fussy, or overstimulated, take a step back and give them a break. It’s okay to ask family members to wait before holding your baby if they’re showing signs of being overstimulated.

Setting these boundaries might feel uncomfortable at first, but as a new mom, you have the right to protect your baby’s well-being and to ensure your family life remains as stress-free as possible.

mom taking a nap

5. Keep Your Own Health in Check

Taking care of a newborn baby can be exhausting, especially if you’re traveling during the holidays. While the focus is often on your baby’s safety and health, don’t forget about your own well-being. A healthy mom is crucial for a healthy newborn.

Make sure to take breaks when needed, drink plenty of water, and get as much rest as possible. If possible, ask family members to help with the baby so you can take a nap or have some time to recharge.

It’s also important to maintain a balanced diet, which can sometimes be tough during busy holiday travel. Keep healthy snacks with you for both you and your baby, like fruit, protein bars, and hydrating drinks. This will help you keep your energy levels up during your travels.

For more tips on how to stay healthy as a new mom during the holidays, check out our blog about it here

Final Thoughts

Traveling during the holidays with a newborn baby or young kids may require extra planning, but with a bit of preparation, it can be a joyful experience. By prioritizing baby safety, staying on track with your baby’s nap schedule, taking steps to ensure a healthy newborn, and setting family boundaries, you’ll be able to enjoy the festivities without unnecessary stress.

Remember, as a new mom, your needs matter too. Don’t hesitate to advocate for your baby’s safety, your own mental well-being, and a peaceful holiday season.

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